☂ Hey! Sup? I’m here for new topic
today! Don’t miss it, dear!
Hey! Apa
kabar? saya disini untuk topik yang baru! Jangan lewatkan, dear!
A: What kind of store should we go to?
Seperti apa
tempat perbelanjaan yang akan kita kunjungi?
B: I don't care, we should try and go to them all!
Saya tidak
peduli, kita harus mencoba dan pergi ke semua tempat!
A: I think we'd really be tired if we did that!
A: I think we'd really be tired if we did that!
Saya pikir kita
akan kelelahan jika kita melakukan itu
B: It would still be fun!
B: It would still be fun!
Itu akan tetap
A: Remember last time we went to the mall?
A: Remember last time we went to the mall?
Ingatkan waktu
lalu kita pergi ke mall?
B: Yes, we shopped all day!
B: Yes, we shopped all day!
Ya, kita belanja
A: Yeah, we should do that again!
A: Yeah, we should do that again!
Yeah, kita akan melakukan itu
B: I'm ready, I just need something to eat first.
saya siap, saya hanya butuh sesuatu untuk dimakan terlebih dahulu.
B: I'm ready, I just need something to eat first.
saya siap, saya hanya butuh sesuatu untuk dimakan terlebih dahulu.
A: What do you feel like eating?
Apa yang kau
ingin makan?
B: Nothing special.
B: Nothing special.
Tidak ada yang
A: We should just grab some hamburgers on the way.
A: We should just grab some hamburgers on the way.
Kita hanya akan
menyerobot beberapa hamburger di jalan.
B: No, I don't want any hamburgers.
B: No, I don't want any hamburgers.
Tidak , saya tidak mau hamburger
A: What about tacos?
A: What about tacos?
Bagaimana kalau
B: Tacos make my stomach hurt.
B: Tacos make my stomach hurt.
Tacos membuat
perutku sakit.
A: What about breakfast?
A: What about breakfast?
Bagaimana kalau sarapan?
B: Like what?
B: Like what?
Seperti apa?
A: We could stop and get some pancakes.
A: We could stop and get some pancakes.
Kita bisa
berhenti dan mendapatkan beberapa pancake.
B: Yeah, pancakes sounds good.
B: Yeah, pancakes sounds good.
Yeah, pancake kedengarannya
A: I know a great breakfast diner, next to the mall.
A: I know a great breakfast diner, next to the mall.
Saya tahu
sarapan makan malam yang enak, mall selanjutnya.
B: Perfect! We can go shopping right afterwards.
sempurna! Kita dapat berbelanja setelah itu.
B: Perfect! We can go shopping right afterwards.
sempurna! Kita dapat berbelanja setelah itu.
A: Wonderful! Sounds like a plan to me!
bagus! Kedengarannya seperti apa yang ku rencanakan!
B: Now we just need to stop at the bank and get some money.
Sekarang kita butuh untuk berhenti di
bank dan memoeroleh beberapa uang.
A: Yes, money is important when we're going shopping!
A: Yes, money is important when we're going shopping!
Ya, uang sangat
penting ketika kita berbelanja!
B: How much should I get out?
B: How much should I get out?
Berapa banyak
yang harus saya ambil?
A: I think if you took out $200, that would be enough.
A: I think if you took out $200, that would be enough.
Saya kira jika
kamu mengambil 200 dollars, sepertinya cukup.
B: And, I still owe you $50.00
B: And, I still owe you $50.00
Dan, saya masih
berhutang padamu 50 dollars
A: Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me.
A: Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me.
Oh yeah,
terimakasih telah mengingatkan aku.
B: We're going to have fun today!
B: We're going to have fun today!
Kita pergi untuk
bersenang-senang hari ini!
(Source: ESLConversation channel)
(Source: ESLConversation channel)
Hey there, what’s up guys?
First, I’m very sorry for my mistakes
when typing postings as I’m sure you’re aware. Please be sympathetic toward me
and don’t hesitate to help me point them out. I’ve really appreciated that!
apa kabar teman? Pertama, saya minta maaf untuk kesalahan mengetik posting saya
yakin kalian sangat memperhatikannya
secara teliti.tolong bersimpati pada
saya dan jangan ragu untuk memberitahu saya tentang poin tersebut. Saya
sangat menghargai itu semua.
POST OFFICE is not new but sometimes it is necessary, right? Now let’s talk about it today!
POST OFFICE is not new but sometimes it is necessary, right? Now let’s talk about it today!
OFFICE bukanlah hal baru kadang-kadang sangat lah penting, bukan begitu?
Sekarang, mari berbicara tentang hal itu.
A: Hi, I'd like to mail a package.
Hai, saya ingin mengirimkan sebuah bungkusan.
B: Alright, how big is it?
Tentu, berapa besear itu? B: Yep, you were
about right. Now, do you have enough stamps?
Yep, kamu benar. Sekarang,
apakah kamu mempunyai cukup perangko?
A: It's about one cubic foot, and it weighs ten pounds.
Kira-kira 1 kaki
kubik, dan beratnya yaitu sepuluh pon.
B: Alright, let's check those measurements.
B: Alright, let's check those measurements.
Baik, mari cek
A: Okay!
A: Okay!
A: Yeah, I put three. It's going across
the country.
Yeah, saya bawa
tiga. Ini dikirim melewati Negara.
B: Oh, okay. That should be enough.
B: Oh, okay. That should be enough.
Kedengarannya cukup.
A: Awesome. So, how much will it cost?
A: Awesome. So, how much will it cost?
Bagus. Jadi,
berapa ongkosnya?
B: It will cost $8.
B: It will cost $8.
Ongkosnya yaitu
8 dolar.
A: Alright, here you go!
A: Alright, here you go!
Baik, ini
B: Thanks. So, do you come to the post office a lot?
B: Thanks. So, do you come to the post office a lot?
Jadi , apakah kamu sering datang ke kantor pos?
A: Not really. I usually just mail letters from my home.
A: Not really. I usually just mail letters from my home.
Tidak pasti.
Saya biasanya menggunakan surat dari rumah.
B: Yeah, that's what most people do.
B: Yeah, that's what most people do.
Yeah, seperti yang dilakukan
orang-orang pada umumnya.
A: I like sending mail to my friends. It's more fun than email.
A: I like sending mail to my friends. It's more fun than email.
Saya suka
mengirim surat pada temanku. Itu lebih menyenangkan daripada email.
B: I agree! I don't like getting advertisements, though.
B: I agree! I don't like getting advertisements, though.
Saya setuju!
Saya tidak suka mendapatkan iklan, lebih dulu.
A: Me neither.
A: Me neither.
Saya juga tidak
B: Do you get the newspaper?
B: Do you get the newspaper?
Apakah kau mendapat Koran?
A: No, I don't.
Tidak, saya
tidak mendapatkan.
B: You should really sign up for it.
B: You should really sign up for it.
Kamu harus benar-benar
tanda tangan untuk itu.
A: Can I do that here?
A: Can I do that here?
Dapatkah saya
melakukannya disini?
B: Sure!
B: Sure!
A: Awesome. The news can be pretty interesting.
A: Awesome. The news can be pretty interesting.
Bagus. Beritanya akan sangat
B: Yeah, the comics are funny too.
Yeah, komik juga
sangat lucu.
A: Thanks for all your help!
A: Thanks for all your help!
untuk semua bantuanmu!
B: No problem. Come again soon!
B: No problem. Come again soon!
Tidak masalah. Datanglah lagi segera!
(Source: ESLConversation channel)
A: I'm so excited that my small business is opening tomorrow.
Saya sangat
bergairah karena usaha kecil saya akan dibuka besok.
B: What kind of small business are you opening?
B: What kind of small business are you opening?
macam usaha kecil apa yang kamu buka?
A: It's a little restaurant in downtown.
A: It's a little restaurant in downtown.
makan kecil di kota bagian.
B: Are all small businesses restaurants?
B: Are all small businesses restaurants?
Apakah semua
bisnis kecil rumah makanan?
A: No, a small business can be anything from a grocery store to a lawyer's office.
Bukan, sebuah
rumah makan kecil dapat menjdi sebuah bentuk dari toko bahan makanan untuk kantor
B: So it's not defined by the kind of business it is.
B: So it's not defined by the kind of business it is.
Jadi tidak
didefinisikan oleh macam-macam usaha?
A: No, a small business is defined mainly by how many people are employed.
A: No, a small business is defined mainly by how many people are employed.
usaha kecil adalah dimaksudkan oleh berapa banyak orang yang bekerja.
B: What's the largest number of employees you can have?
Seberapa besar
angka pekerja yang kau punyai?
A: It varies by country, but in the United States, if you have less than 500 employees, you are considered a small business.
A: It varies by country, but in the United States, if you have less than 500 employees, you are considered a small business.
pada Negara masing-masing, tapi di Amerika, jika kamu mempunyai kurang dari 500
pekerja, itu dinamakan usaha kecil.
B: What are the advantages to owning a small business?
Apa keuntungan
dari mempunai bisnis kecil?
A: I can be my own boss, make my own financial decisions and I will have a closer relationship with my customers.
A: I can be my own boss, make my own financial decisions and I will have a closer relationship with my customers.
Saya bisa menjadi boss, membuat
keputusan yang berhubungan dengan keuangan dan saya bisa mempunyai hubungan
dekat dengan para pelanggan saya.
B: But what are the disadvantages?
Tapi apakah ada
A: There is a higher risk of failure if the owner does not prepare wisely, and bigger businesses can influence your success.
A: There is a higher risk of failure if the owner does not prepare wisely, and bigger businesses can influence your success.
Ada resiko
tinggi gagal jika pemilik tidak mempersiapkan harapan, dan usaha besar dapat mempengaruhi kesuksesanmu.
B: What happens if a bigger business moves in right across the street?
B: What happens if a bigger business moves in right across the street?
Apa yang akan
tterjadi jia usaha besar bergerak melintasi jalan?
A: My customers will either stay with me or go across the street.
A: My customers will either stay with me or go across the street.
Pelanggan saya
akan tetap tinggal bersama saya attau prig melintasi jalan.
B: Where did you get the money to start your restaurant?
B: Where did you get the money to start your restaurant?
Dimana kamu
mendapatkan uang untuk memulai usaha rumah makanmu?
A: I have been saving my money for five years to start it.
A: I have been saving my money for five years to start it.
I menabung
uangku sejak 5 tahun untuk memulai ini.
B: Is there any other way to get money to start up a small business?
B: Is there any other way to get money to start up a small business?
Apakah ada cara
lain untuk mendapat uang membuka usaha kecil?
A: Yes, you can receive a grant from a private organization or a loan from a bank.
A: Yes, you can receive a grant from a private organization or a loan from a bank.
Ya, kamu dapat
meminjam dana dari organisasi pribadi atau pinjaman dari bank.
B: Is there anyone that can help me get a loan?
B: Is there anyone that can help me get a loan?
Apakah ada
seseorang yang dapat membanntu saya untuk mendapat pinjaman dari bank?
A: The Small Business Administration in the United States has programs to help new owners secure loans for their small businesses.
A: The Small Business Administration in the United States has programs to help new owners secure loans for their small businesses.
Administrasi usaha kecil di US mempunyai
program untuk membantu pemilik baru keamanan pinjaman untuk usaha kecil mereka.
B: I think I'd like to open an ice cream shop.
B: I think I'd like to open an ice cream shop.
Saya pikir saya akan membuka sebuah
warung ice cream.
A: You should! Having a small business of your own is very rewarding!
Kamu harus
melakukannya! Semoga usaha kecil yang kamu miliki menjadi dihargai!
(Source: ESL Conversation channel.)
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